20th Masonic District Association Officers
President: WB James Huff (Medina #58)
1st Vice President: WB Keith R. Small (Harrisville #137)
2nd Vice President: WB Chris Lightner (Seville #74)
3rd Vice President: WB Jason Brake(Spartan #126)
Secretary: RWB Scott M. Dickson (Venus Lodge #152)
Treasurer: RWB Stanley E. Kopp (Ashland Lodge #151)
Trustee: RWB Todd G. Dunn (Shelby Lodge #350)
District Advisor: RWB Michael A. Roepke (Ashland Lodge #151)
District Education Officers
WB Mic E. Becerra (Wadsworth #385)
WB Thomas L. Stortz (Bellville #376)
District Deputy Grand Masters
RWB Stanley E. Kopp (Ashland Lodge #151)
RWB Ronald G. Horne (Hanover #115)
Past Grand Master of Ohio from the
20th Masonic District
MWB Daniel F. Iceman
(Ebenezer Lodge #33)
Served 1979
Past District Deputy Grand Masters
of the
20th Masonic District
Robert Clay 1950
Howard Reed 1951-53
Earl Mumper 1954-56
Alfred Barker 1957-59
Hugh Strickland 1960-62
DeForest West 1963-65
Lowell McMeeken 1966-68
Ralph Fisher 1969
Daniel F Iceman 1970-72
Harold Oswalt 1972-74
Franklin Rice 1973-75
Lloyd Harris 1975-77
Lloyd Vaughn 1976-77
Elmore L Wallstrom 1978-80
Lloyd Vaughn 1978
Richard E Smail 1979-81
James Zemancik 1981-83
Robert Straight 1982-84
Max Caywood 1984-86
BEN A BELL 1985-87
William Forrer 1987-89
Paul L Frontz 1988-90
Warren Eckroad 1990-92
Larry B Penix 1991-93
James Gray 1993-95
Dennis Lawson 1994-96
Michael D Cecil 1996-98
Arthur Phillips 1997-99
Robert S Odon 1999-2001
David W Calland 2000-02
John A Thompson 2003-05
John W Napier, Jr. 2003-05
Timothy Moore 2003-04
Kenneth D Crouse 2005-07
Darrell R Porter 2006-08
Dann L Marble 2006-08
Ronald A Brubaker 2008
David M Snyder 2009-11
Kevin R Phipps 2009
Dennis D Chapman 2009-11
Michael Woodward 2012-14
Scott Dickson 2012-14
Alvin L Smith 2015-17
Lew M Fleege 2015-17
Toma M. Bojovic 2018-19
Todd G. Dunn 2018-20
Michael A. Roepke 2020-22
Jesse Pertee - 2021- 23
Stanley E. Kopp - 2022